Friday, April 24, 2015

Minuman Jamu - Indonesian Drink made from Herbs

Minuman Jamu is a well known Indonesian traditional drink that consist of herbs. Jamu in english means “herbs”. This traditional drinks has been around throughout the years dating back hundreds of years into ancient times. The recipes for this drinks varies from different places in Indonesia as well as the different medical benefits it will have for our body. Today this drink is often sold at the streets for a very cheap price with the seller bringing 5-10 bottles of different recipe for different treatment as well as different taste.
In this post we are going to explore one of the recipe for making this traditional drink. The main ingredients that we would need would be tumeric, lime and ginger. We can use a blender to process this ingredients. Than you either add water, coconut water or milk to this recipe based on your preference.
STMJ would be another alternatives to Jamu. STMJ consist of milk, eggs, honey and ginger and it is a famous drink among traditional men in Indonesia. The recipe is simple and easy. Crack 2 eggs and put it in a glass, then add half a cup of milk and add honey and ginger that is desired.  
I encourage people to explore this recipes to stay healthy or as an alternative to medication when you are feeling sick. Jamu has already been increasingly popular in the last couple of years especially for visitors to Indonesia. This recipe has a lot of health benefits from treating heart disease, improving the immune system and is also used for bone recovery. Although this recipe is not entirely supported by “professional” physician it is a very good alternatives to generic medications. The cost of the traditional treatment is also a lot cheaper with herb treatments and based on the opinion of the Indonesian population it is equally effective and can save you a lot of time as well.

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