Friday, April 24, 2015

5 Things Every Girl Thinks About When She’s At the Gym

As girls, we know the struggles of going to the gym.  All gyms have their positives and their negatives.  For you gym-goers the pros outweigh the cons, but every girl has the same five thoughts running through her head as she pretends to be the most confident person in the place.

1.     “It’s too crowded, I’m very uncomfortable”

We have all experienced that I-hate-you-all moment when you walk into a gym and see every cardio machine, lifting machine, and extra floor space occupied.  Any more than three people in the same room as us makes it impossible to truly concentrate on our workout.  If it were up to us, we would not allow anyone else to step foot in the gym while we are there.

2.     “I can’t go over there, look at all those boys”

Not only do the crowds at prime gym time bother us, but even at 6am, a group of three plus guys is enough to turn us away.  Is it really necessary for you guys to all work out together?  If a girl tries to use a machine next to them, it’s like she is walking into a warzone.  She immediately becomes the target of attention (which is exactly what she is trying to avoid).  Therefore, us girls just avoid the lifting floor at all costs.

3.     “I do not feel pretty”

Girls always notice other girls at the gym.  Most of us will never understand why it seems like every other girl around us looks so flawless.  One girl runs six miles and gracefully steps off the treadmill without breaking a sweat.  Others, as you walk by the window of an in-session group workout class, look as if they are professional dancers perfectly in sync and dressed in cute clothes.  Meanwhile, you feel like if you pick up a five-pound dumbbell you will look like you got pushed in the pool.

4.     “I don’t think I’m doing this right, but I’m going to pretend this is what I planned to do”

Well you can’t change what you’re doing now, otherwise people will know you have absolutely know idea what you are doing.  Congratulations, you just invented a new workout routine (probably with many risks of injury)!

5.     “Sitting here stretching is the safest place for me to be”

After weaving your way through the crowds of people, you finally find an empty area of floor space.  You lay your mat down and look around the gym, eventually deciding to just do some (simple) stretches and ab exercises and call it a day.  Don’t worry, I’m sure nobody will notice!

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