Friday, April 24, 2015

Minuman Jamu - Indonesian Drink made from Herbs

Minuman Jamu is a well known Indonesian traditional drink that consist of herbs. Jamu in english means “herbs”. This traditional drinks has been around throughout the years dating back hundreds of years into ancient times. The recipes for this drinks varies from different places in Indonesia as well as the different medical benefits it will have for our body. Today this drink is often sold at the streets for a very cheap price with the seller bringing 5-10 bottles of different recipe for different treatment as well as different taste.
In this post we are going to explore one of the recipe for making this traditional drink. The main ingredients that we would need would be tumeric, lime and ginger. We can use a blender to process this ingredients. Than you either add water, coconut water or milk to this recipe based on your preference.
STMJ would be another alternatives to Jamu. STMJ consist of milk, eggs, honey and ginger and it is a famous drink among traditional men in Indonesia. The recipe is simple and easy. Crack 2 eggs and put it in a glass, then add half a cup of milk and add honey and ginger that is desired.  
I encourage people to explore this recipes to stay healthy or as an alternative to medication when you are feeling sick. Jamu has already been increasingly popular in the last couple of years especially for visitors to Indonesia. This recipe has a lot of health benefits from treating heart disease, improving the immune system and is also used for bone recovery. Although this recipe is not entirely supported by “professional” physician it is a very good alternatives to generic medications. The cost of the traditional treatment is also a lot cheaper with herb treatments and based on the opinion of the Indonesian population it is equally effective and can save you a lot of time as well.

Easy Ways to Eat Healthy on a Tight Schedule

Studying, homework, meetings, Exams, papers, social life, family, we as college students tend to forget that eating and having a lifestyle healthy will helps us complete our tasks.
I know that we do not always have time to cook a complicated dish, but if we try it we can do it.
Like my mom always says, eat something before you go to school. That was true, but in that time she cooked for me. Now, we must make our own choices of what to eat and what not to eat. My mom always said that the most important meal is breakfast.
I also have some tips for you on how to have a fresh breakfast for every day. Do not worry we don’t need that much time or money.
Every Sunday morning I go to the supermarket and I buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Then, I save my fruit in Ziploc bags and I freeze them. Every morning, I have the mixer ready I just add milk or water then all the fruits in the bag and two spoonfuls of a protein shake, believe me this is the best breakfast, you can find the protein at the grocery store as well as the small bottle, because you will start buying more and we do not want to get boring about the flavor and there are many flavors you can try.
Then keep an apple clean and fresh in your backpack do not let your stomach be hungry, try to eat every 2 to 3 hours. I love the protein bars because they keep me satisfied and they give energy so keep them around

Another example are the glass jars they are a simple and economic way of keeping food safe, fresh and ready to  eat, the best thing is you can take them everywhere.

Last thing, do not make it hard, eating healthy is not a big deal, just remember to have healthy snacks in your dorm room and please do not skip meals.  Also, eatings on your way to class or the library can be helpful as well.

5 Things Every Girl Thinks About When She’s At the Gym

As girls, we know the struggles of going to the gym.  All gyms have their positives and their negatives.  For you gym-goers the pros outweigh the cons, but every girl has the same five thoughts running through her head as she pretends to be the most confident person in the place.

1.     “It’s too crowded, I’m very uncomfortable”

We have all experienced that I-hate-you-all moment when you walk into a gym and see every cardio machine, lifting machine, and extra floor space occupied.  Any more than three people in the same room as us makes it impossible to truly concentrate on our workout.  If it were up to us, we would not allow anyone else to step foot in the gym while we are there.

2.     “I can’t go over there, look at all those boys”

Not only do the crowds at prime gym time bother us, but even at 6am, a group of three plus guys is enough to turn us away.  Is it really necessary for you guys to all work out together?  If a girl tries to use a machine next to them, it’s like she is walking into a warzone.  She immediately becomes the target of attention (which is exactly what she is trying to avoid).  Therefore, us girls just avoid the lifting floor at all costs.

3.     “I do not feel pretty”

Girls always notice other girls at the gym.  Most of us will never understand why it seems like every other girl around us looks so flawless.  One girl runs six miles and gracefully steps off the treadmill without breaking a sweat.  Others, as you walk by the window of an in-session group workout class, look as if they are professional dancers perfectly in sync and dressed in cute clothes.  Meanwhile, you feel like if you pick up a five-pound dumbbell you will look like you got pushed in the pool.

4.     “I don’t think I’m doing this right, but I’m going to pretend this is what I planned to do”

Well you can’t change what you’re doing now, otherwise people will know you have absolutely know idea what you are doing.  Congratulations, you just invented a new workout routine (probably with many risks of injury)!

5.     “Sitting here stretching is the safest place for me to be”

After weaving your way through the crowds of people, you finally find an empty area of floor space.  You lay your mat down and look around the gym, eventually deciding to just do some (simple) stretches and ab exercises and call it a day.  Don’t worry, I’m sure nobody will notice!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Quick, Easy Gluten Free Jalapeño Poppers

Hey guys! Libby here, I wanted to share with you some recipes that are simple and easy, not time consuming but also gluten free.  These things are really important to me because I’m busy! I don’t have two hours to sit down and prepare three meals a day.  Being a college student, I have to prioritize my time in order to get everything done that’s important to me, so I concentrate on recipes that are simple enough but tasty and don’t require a whole lot of prep.   My favorite one is my jalapeno poppers.   I seriously crave these on a weekly bases and pretty much buy the ingredients for them once a week in order to satiate those cravings.   Here’s how to make them:
·      Creamed goat cheese or cream cheese (depending on your preference)
·      Medium to large sized jalepenos (3)
·      Classic bacon or turkey bacon
 So I start out by setting the oven to bake at 400 degrees.  Next I make sure to wash the jalapeños- it’s super hard to find organic jalapeños (oddly enough) so I make sure to wash them off really well with a fruit and veggie wash (I like the Trader Joe’s brand).   Next, cut the jalapeños in half exposing the membrane.   Using a spoon, scoop the innards out, the more seeds you leave in, the more spice it will have to it so do this at your own discretion. 
            After the jalapeños are washed, cut and gutted, I take a spoon and fill them with the cheese.   Next, I take the bacon and wrap it around the jalapeño being careful not to overlap too much, this interferes with how well the meat cooks and gets crispy.   When I’m working with turkey bacon, I like to cut the strips in half (hot dog way, not hamburger way) because the strips tend to be extra wide when compared to regular pig bacon and can be hard to wrap and/or bake correctly. 
When they are all wrapped and the oven is preheated, throw them in the oven on a cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes until desired crispiness is achieved. 
            One thing about this recipe is that it can be messy – when the bacon cooks it leaves grease all over your cookie sheet that can be hard to clean.  But alas! I have a remedy for this problem – I make a little boat out of tin foil with a flat bottom.   By folding each side of the square piece of tin foil so that each side has about a 1” inch lip, and then fold the corners into each other.  Provides a simple, easy to clean up solution to a messy problem,  When you are done baking, just throw the tin foil away and put the cookie sheet back into the drawer for next time – no need to clean at all (unless you want to).  

            Obviously, I prefer regular bacon, but at times when I’m making this dish all the time, I use turkey because it’s healthier and I find it to be more filling.   The beautiful thing about this dish is that it can be used as an appetizer if you have guests over or as a personal gluten free meal!